Minneopa Cemetery

Historic Minneopa Cemetery

Since 1855

Oldest Continuously Operating Cemetery in Blue Earth County

Superintendent’s Report for September 26, 2023

I am going to submit this report in writing, since I am unable to be at the meeting on Tuesday morning. I don’t really have a lot to report since the Spring Board meeting. I would like to first off give a huge Thank You to Chad and Lori Ruch and their families for all their hard work this Spring and Summer keeping the grass mowed and for keeping things looking trimmed up around all the markers. Chad has also done some tree trimming and some maintenance on the roads to keep them in good shape. We haven’t really had any bad washouts this year, mainly due to the fact that it hasn’t rained very much and Chad has been grooming and filling in the bad spots with asphalt millings. Eventually, we would like to get all the roads covered with the asphalt millings. We are concentrating on the worst spots first. A big Thank You to Lorenz Construction for donating more asphalt millings and black dirt.

So far this year we have had 14 burials. 5 have been traditional burials and the other 9 were cremation burials. We currently have no more burials scheduled for this year.

We haven’t really had any severe weather to deal with so far this year, so we have had minimal tree damage. There has been the usual limbs and branches that fall off, but nothing major.

We haven’t done anything with the brush that is piled up in the woods in the Southwest corner of the cemetery. I will discuss this with Chad Ruch and see what his thoughts and ideas are to possibly burn this brush and get rid of it.

One piece of unfinished business we have from last Fall is to work on clearing out the brush in Blocks 356 to 364. These are the Blocks directly East of the brick building and North of the A road. Some of those lots are already sold and are becoming overgrown. Plus, if we want to sell any more of those lots, they’re just really not very appealing the way they look right now.

I guess there is also the unfinished business of adding a pet burial section to the cemetery. I have not heard anything from anyone about any progress being made on this proposal. I would assume that it is still being tabled or is no longer an item?

The screech owl boxes are in place. I haven’t noticed any activity in them.

That’s what I have to report. As always, if anyone has any questions or concerns, please contact me and let me know. There’s, always things we could do to make the cemetery look better if we had an unlimited budget, but we don’t.

I remain: Pete Hagert