Minneopa Cemetery

Historic Minneopa Cemetery

Since 1855

Oldest Continuously Operating Cemetery in Blue Earth County

Board Minutes for September 17, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 10:30. President Archie Kendall was absent due to having surgery.

Present were: Dean Otto, Arlene Neilsen, Dennis Owens, Lori Ruch, Barbara Jackowell, Phyllis Granaas, Pete Hagert, Paige Attrian, and Peggy Seppmann.

The Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved with a spelling error to be corrected.

Dean Otto gave the Treasurer’s report. The Profit/Loss Statement for January through August of 2019 showed a loss of $6,722.33 due in part to the negative change in our investments. We received $5,700 from the investment funds for expenses. The net income total was $12,200.00.

The expenses showed a $7,000.00 loss plus we keep $3,000.00 in a ready reserve account. These items amounted to $10,000.00 out of our fund principal. The investments also showed a $7,455.25 loss. Part of the decrease in income is due to the increasing trend toward cremation over burials. Currently the investment funds are at $234,544.75. The funds were verified by Paige Attrian with Dean.

Dean added that it costs approximately $25,000.00 to maintain the cemetery each year.

A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was seconded and passed.

The superintendent report was made by Pete Hagert. We have had 17 burials this year. Of these, 7 were traditional and 10 were cremations. The asphalt installed by Chad Ruch held up very well. Pete thought we should install some on the west side next year. We also need to purchase a load of black dirt to level where the ground has settled in some areas and some grass seed. Pete estimates the dirt would cost $4-500.00 and it could be piled in the SW corner until needed.

Doug Johnson owned 6 lots but 2 were resold. The cemetery will bury his sister at no cost and exchange 2 graves or give back the $150.00 he paid for them. This action was moved and seconded and Dean said he would deal with Doug to get it all straightened out.

Dean and Pete each have updated copies of the cemetery graves maps. The Articles of Incorporation from 1917 for the cemetery are now filed with the county. The SE corner is all plated to the edge of our lot but the hillside is not used. The surveyor found the stone marking Block 74 down in the woods. The plugs found by the surveyor were covered back up to Pete’s dismay. The railroad put in a fence and the terracing is being rebuilt. The railroad is fixing everything from the hillside collapse at their expense.

Pete has been dealing with the railroad for the cemetery and keeping us updated on the progress. Several documents must be signed by the railroad and the cemetery to complete the stabilization project. It has been moved, seconded and approved that any documents can be approved and signed by Peggy Seppmann, C. Dean Otto, or Pete Hagert on behalf of the cemetery.

A stone was located in the SW corner of the new side for Darius Chapman, a Civil War veteran who died in St. Peter in 1864. However, we have no record of him being buried in Minneopa.

Repair bills of up to $500.00 per month should be considered to fix settled graves, remove stumps, and repair roads in the fall.

The finance committee should meet with Ken of Stiffel Nicolas on our investments and if they should be changed.

New Business:

Pricing of Lots
Regular Graves $700.00
Cremations $350.00
Open & Closing $250.00

Staking fees are paid to either Pete or Dean. The new side graves are easy to find but the old side is a mess.

The question was raised on how else we could raise money for the cemetery?

  1. Lori suggested using the internet. For instance having a review on goggle with some picturesque photos of the cemetery and reviews with descriptions such as “peaceful setting” and etc.
  2. A second suggestion was that the cemetery could send out periodic letters about new things or projects going on. The letter could ask for donations for specific projects.
  3. Finally the possibility of including an area for pet burials. The discussion was generally positive for developing a section of the cemetery for pet internments. It was decided to do research on lot sizes, types of animals accepted, cremation vs. traditional burials, costs and charges for services.
  4. We currently spend about $1,000.00 per year for advertising in the senior magazine. It was suggested that this might not be the best way to spend our money. We should investigate other ways to publicize the cemetery.

Nominations were made for officers as follows: Peggy Seppmann for president, Dean Otto for treasurer, Barbara Jackowell for secretary, and Archie Kendall for vice president. Board members Dennis Owens, Phyllis Graanas, Arlene Neilsen, and Paige Attarian were reelected to the board for the 2020-2022 term.

The date for the May meeting was tentatively set for May 12, 2020.

The meeting was adjourned for lunch.

The afternoon session of the board meeting started about 1:15 at the cemetery. The officers were elected as nominated. It was noted that Roger Anderson was interested in joining the board.

The board members inspected the west end of the developed cemetery and liked the field area for a pet cemetery extension. They also inspected a pile of dirt on this end but decided it was not clean enough and it would be better of purchase fresh dirt for the proposed repairs. The stray stone for Darius Chapman was also examined.

The board meeting was ended at about 2:00.