Minneopa Cemetery

Historic Minneopa Cemetery

Since 1855

Oldest Continuously Operating Cemetery in Blue Earth County

Board Minutes for September 13, 2022

Peggy Seppmann called the meeting to order at 10:05.

Present were: Peggy Seppmann, Dean Otto, Paige Attarian, Lori Ruch, Dennis Owens, Barbara Jackowell, Phyllis Granaas, Archie Kendall, and Arlene Nielsen.

The Minutes of the spring meeting were read and approved.

Dean Otto gave the Treasurer’s report. The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Paige Attarian verified that bank and investment reports were in agreement with the financial statements.

Pete Hagert sent a written report of the condition of the cemetery, which is generally good. Chad Ruch did some work on the roads. So far this year we have had 1 traditional burial and 6 cremation burials. There is a need to clear some brush in Blocks 356 to 364. We discussed getting a burn permit or contacting South Bend Fire Department to see if they would burn the brush. The superintendent’s report was approved.

Old Business: Pet Cemetery on-going discussion. So far, no attorney wants to get involved with the county to allow development of a pet cemetery. It was decided that Paige would talk to Mark Piepho and Dean would talk to Vance Stuehrenberg about the plan.

New Business: Prices for our lots are $700 for a burial and $400 for a cremation. Although prices are going up, these prices are felt to be within the proper range for the current time. It was decided to leave the prices as is for now.

Mowing around the fenced lot is difficult. It was suggested that we could put in wildflowers or milkweed for butterflies to lessen the mowing problem and still keep the lot nice looking. Hollyhocks were also suggested as good for butterflies.

Board elections opened with the following officers nominated for 2023: Peggy Seppmann – President, Archie Kendall – Vice President, Barb Jackowell – Secretary and Dean Otto – Treasurer. These are the same as those in 2022.

The spring meeting was tentatively set for May 9, 2023

Meeting adjourned for lunch to reconvene at 1:00 p.m. at the cemetery.

Peggy Seppmann reconvened the board meeting at 1:00 p.m. at the cemetery.

The following officers were elected to the board: Peggy Seppmann – President, Archie Kendall – Vice President, Barb Jackowell – Secretary and Dean Otto – Treasurer.

The following board members were reelected for the period of 2023-2025: Arlene Neilson, Phyliss Granaas, Dennis Owens, and Paige Attarian.

Dale came to the cemetery portion of the meeting. He said prices of lots have been steady

The meeting adjourned at 1:20 p.m.