Minneopa Cemetery

Historic Minneopa Cemetery

Since 1855

Oldest Continuously Operating Cemetery in Blue Earth County

Board Minutes for May 22, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 10:40 by Archie Kendall.

Present were: Dean Otto, Archie Kendall, Arlene Neilsen, Dennis Owens, Barbara Jackowell, Phyllis Granaas, Pete Hagert, and Paige Attrian

The Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

Dean Otto gave the Treasurer’s report. The Profit/Loss Statement for January through December of 2017 showed an $18.06 loss and for the January 1, through May, 2018 period showed a net income of $2,008.79. Dean stated that the income was down due to changes in the way we are paid for burials. Formerly, we collected all the money and then paid Dale for his work. Now the mortuary collects the money and pays Dale. We receive $250.00 for a burial but the expenses are also down.

We transferred our investment money from to Stifel Nicolaus and Company. Ken Meixner is the broker with Stifel. $250,000.00 was transferred.

The treasurer’s Report was approved and seconded.

Dale was not at the meeting so the superintendent report was made by Pete Hagert. The west side of the cemetery was sprayed for dandelions. Some of the junipers have dead limbs. The cemetery needs mowing and the garbage needs to be emptied. We have had 11 burials already this year.

Bob Dickhudt will sing again 15 minutes before the VFW Memorial Day Service at 10:30. We again voted and seconded to give $200.00 to the VFW for their services.

Old Business: The oak trees need to be checked for their health once they are all out for the year. They will be inspected on Memorial Day. The cemetery gates have not been taken down. The gates are plain and there is no particular reason to keep them as they are never closed. Dean will check about getting them removed. The three big urns at the front of the cemetery will be filled with flowers by Memorial Day.

New Business: Marcia Othoudt has resigned from the board. Two possible replacements are Ray Schmidt or Rachel Havel.

Pete is replacing Dale for setting and marking Graves, setting out flags, bookwork, selling plots and etc. He will receive $20.00 / hour for this work. Pin#1855 and Phone # 625-1673 for the cemetery will be transferred to Pete. Dale will continue to handle the main maintenance for the cemetery.

The September meeting was tentatively set for 9-25-18. The meeting was adjourned at 11:40.