Minneopa Cemetery

Historic Minneopa Cemetery

Since 1855

Oldest Continuously Operating Cemetery in Blue Earth County

Board Minutes for May 21, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 10:40 by Archie Kendall.

Present were: Dean Otto, Archie Kendall, Arlene Neilsen, Lori Ruch, Barbara Jackowell, Phyllis Granaas, Pete Hagert, Paige Attrian, and Peggy Seppmann.

Dean stated that Jamine Yaeger, Lyle Seppman’s daughter, was interested in serving on the board. This would be taken up at the Fall meeting.

The Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

Dean Otto gave the Treasurer’s report. The Profit/Loss Statement for January through December of 2018 showed an $13,921.72 loss due to the negative change in our investments. We also removed $5.700 from the investment fund to cover needed expenses. The January 1, through May, 2019 period showed a net income of $15,722.94. Although the investments have increased somewhat, we again removed cash to cover some expenses. Dean stated that the investment was originally $252,000.00, and is now at about $246,000.00.

The change is part due to higher lawn care costs and less sales income. Workman’s comp covers Pete and Dean only. Dale trimmed every other time but does not want to mow anymore. Our insurance does not cover volunteers unless we are liable due to maintenance problems. We do have business liability insurance which costs about $700.00-800.00/year. Workman’s comp is about $500.00. That is a minimum payment even though our payroll is only about $4,800.00.

The treasurer’s Report was approved and seconded.

The superintendent report was made by Pete Hagert. Chad Ruch is taking over most of the maintenance for the cemetery. The grass has been mowed twice, trees were trimmed. He has done some reshaping of the road on the northeast corner of the cemetery where it washes out. Some asphalt was added to the area. Lori asked about the stumps which are mostly on the west side of the cemetery. It was suggested that they be removed periodically to spread out the expense.

Last year mowing expense was up as the lawn had to be mowed 11 times. In a normal year, 8-9 times is common.

This year we have had 8 burials. Three were cremations, 4 regular burials and one was a dis-internment and reburial of a girl who was killed in a car accident to move her next to her grandfather.

The sign on the west side is very out of date as to which spots are sold and used. It should be brought up to date. For instance, a couple second right of internments such as a son is buried on top of his father. Bateman has 2 lots in Minneopa but is buried in Woodland hills. In case someone wishes to resell a lot to the cemetery, it will be purchased back at the original price paid for it. The lots can be re-deeded to family members but cannot be resold. Technically, the buyers don’t own the land. They only buy the right to be buried on it.

Pete brought up the fact that the old side (east side) is basically a mess. The rows are not straight. He can’t always find the “plugs” marking the graves.

New Business: Memorial Day. Dean will address the people attending. $100.00 was elected to donate to the VFW for their service. This money goes to a general Welfare Fund for any veteran who needs help, according to Pete.

The urns are done for Memorial Day. Pete will add flags to the graves and pick up after the holiday. Both the Kretch and Taylor families have a lot of stuff on their graves and do their own maintenance. Pete will check for flower holders after Memorial Day and remove those not used. Pete will get flags out Friday afternoon and will put up the flag on our pole on Memorial Day. The proper method for displaying the flag is to have it at half mast until noon and then raise it to full mast.

Pete also suggested the south edge of the cemetery by the railroad should be checked for stability.

Lori mentioned that several stones are broken or need repair. Dean said this is up to the family, not the cemetery to do.

Pete said he has had a couple of phone calls about things being left on graves. He has found that people park in the cemetery at night, especially on the east end, and dump stuff. They also take things. Last year he took up about 30 pots and placed them by the shed. A week later all but the ugly ones were gone.

The Fall meeting was tentatively set for 9-10-19. The meeting will be at 10:00 at the Bank and 1:30 at the cemetery.