Minneopa Cemetery

Historic Minneopa Cemetery

Since 1855

Oldest Continuously Operating Cemetery in Blue Earth County

Board Minutes for January 30th, 2009

The meeting was held at U.S. Bank Conference Room.

Vice President John Croswell called the meeting to order. All were present except Stan Edwards.

The minutes were read by Sally Peterson and approve with one correction that John Croswell did not take care of the planters last year but will take care of them this year. The treasurer's report was given and explained by Dean Otto and approved as read.


Dean Otto gave an update on the new software program. He has installed it on Ruth Otto's computer. He will have more time to work on it when he retired and may need some help with it.

Lyle spoke on the well problem and said we need a new pump. He also asked if we wanted to get rid of the windmill because it would be easier to work on the well if it was not in the way. After much discussion a motion was made, seconded and carried to leave the mill in place and replace the pump.

Dean talked about having a sculpture made for the cemetery and said he will work on getting drawings etc. to show the board.

John Peterson will buy new flags and let Dean know the cost before buying them. John will also do some maintenance on the roads this spring.

John Peterson is getting power steering put on his tractor soon.


We talked about expanding the cemetery to the west where there is a field now, maybe just seeding it to make it look nicer. Other ideas were, placing flat markers to indicated space available, landscaping to enhance areas, and putting up some sort of information areas to assist people in locating graves. The topics were tabled to wait until we can go out to the cemetery in the spring and look at the area.

A motion was made and carried to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,
Sally Peterson, Sec.