Minneopa Cemetery

Historic Minneopa Cemetery

Since 1855

Oldest Continuously Operating Cemetery in Blue Earth County

Board Minutes for May 14, 2013

Doug Johnson called the meeting to order at 9:05.

Present were: Dean Otto, Archie Kendall, Doug Johnson, Peggy Seppmann, Arlene Neilsen, Lynn Seppman, Barbara Jackowell, Phyllis Granaas

The Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved with correction.

Dean Otto gave the Treasurer’s report. The Profit/Loss Statement showed approximately a $1,276.09 loss for the year 2012. This was partially due to reduced income from interest. We had a sale of some land for $2,200 which went to the perpetual fund. The year 2013 to date shows a loss of $3,189.84. The higher loss for this year was due in part to payment of lawn care, insurance and $800.00 for grass cutting. Interest income was down. A discussion of the current economy and the low interest rates for investments occurred. Dean cashed a $42,000 CD which came due and a second CD is due to be over in July.

The cemetery filed Federal Taxes. It cost $175.00 to have the taxes done.

Payroll to date was $200.00/month for Dale and the same for Dean. Dale was also paid on an hourly basis for special services. Last year the cemetery had 8 regular burials and 6 cremations. This year, to date, the cemetery has had 3 regular burials scheduled. One was last week and two are scheduled for next week. One was a Williamson but Dean did not remember the others. The treasurer’s report was approved.

Dean also gave Dale’s report. Seppman’s have raised their prices for digging graves. Dale will put up flags for Memorial Day and will cut the grass once before the date so the cemetery will look good. The supervisor’s report was approved.

Arlene asked who maintained the records for the cemetery. Dean said it was all on computer. When someone cabled and asked if anyone from their family was buried in the cemetery, Dale was able to find a relative for them in about a minute.

A final discussion of the By-Laws commenced. The By-Laws as written are fairly standard. Article V about the Board Members was reviewed. The board must have at least 9 members and no more than 12 members. Of these members, no more than 2 can be Association non-members. Term of office is 3 years but directors may be reelected. The Board must have an annual meeting in the fall. The Board must have at least two meetings per year. Other meetings can be called if necessary. A vote of 2/3rds of the board is necessary to amend the By-Laws.

Dean moved and both Archie & Lynn seconded that the By-Laws be approved and three copies of the Laws were signed by the 4 officers. The By-Laws will be added to the cemetery web site.

New Business: The board members discussed the sudden death of Gordon Herbst. It was stated that he would be difficult to replace. A discussion of possible new members was undertaken. Dean stated that his mother was not well and would prefer to leave the board if two new members could be located. It was decided to invite Dennis Owen to join the board.

A financial committee was selected for checking investments. Doug, Dean, Archie, Lynn and Barbara were on the committee. Lynn suggested we talk to an investment advisor. Dean stated that we need about 4% or about $12,000 to cover expenses and keep the perpetual care going. It was decided Archie would be chairman of the committee and would set up a meeting with an advisor. Phyllis moved that the committee has the power to invest the money as appropriate.

Dean brought up the subject of pricing of cemetery services. The current price per grave is $550.00 of which $275.00 goes to the general fund and $275.00 goes to the Perpetual Care Fund. The burial fees vary with weather, and weekend work . Dean recommended setting a cost of $200.00 over our costs for burials. Peggy stated that does not allow for other cost increases. Dean responded that since we review prices annually, it should not matter. The motion was made and seconded to charge $200.00 over costs for burials. Dean suggested increasing land prices to $600.00/lot. This also passed.

A tentative date for the Fall meeting of September 16 was suggested.

Meeting Adjourned 12:00